Own The Conversation - Issue 100
We're back from the summer break! | Navigating Career Setbacks and Job Rejections: A Guide to Resilience and Growth | Conversational AI Jobs | Mentoring | Events | It's Own The Conversation #100
Wow, I finally made it to issue 100!!
This has been a labour of love to me. I work on this newsletter and associated content while waiting for my daughter to get through of 3 hours of trampolining and gymnastics on a Saturday morning. So that’s why it tends to get quiet during school holidays - like the last several weeks. So thank you for bearing with me during the quieter periods.
The same goes for the jobs on the Bot Jobs board. While I try to automate as much as possible, no job gets posted (unless a paid, featured role) without me first authorising it. This ensures that only high-quality jobs hit the board and no jobs slip through the net that doesn’t quite match.
For the blog this week, I’ve gone deep into an area that can be quite emotionally charged - Navigating Career Setbacks and Job Rejections: A Guide to Resilience and Growth. As you know, Bot Jobs is a side/passion project and not my day job. So I go through the same ups and downs that you do in navigating my career - whether freelance or even applying for a permanent job that interests me.
However, things don’t always go to plan, but while it’s easy to look at these situations as a negative, it’s more important to be resilient, learn and grow from the experience.
So this week’s blog is a deep dive essay into this.
From my perspective, I don’t like concentrating on the negatives, so I wanted to share my thoughts with you on this.
If you think your connections or colleagues would benefit from subscribing to this newsletter, feel free to share it.
And if you are coming here off the back of a share, or stumbled across it accidentally and think it’s something you need to be subscribed to (why wouldn’t you!?!) then feel free to subscribe here:
So, without further ado, let's dive in and Own The Conversation!
Here’s to another great week ahead,
Ramping this back up again as we come out of the summer, so please bear with me. Thanks to all of those that got in touch worried that a) something had happened to me or b) I had decided to stop Bot Jobs.
Neither could be further from the truth, just taking a little break through the school summer holidays.
There are too many jobs to post here individually, so here are the job categories that you can get to quickly from here.
#Computational Linguistics Roles#
FYI, if you want timely alerts on roles added to Bot Jobs, then we already have email notifications, which you can sign up to at Bot Jobs, the jobs are all posted to our LinkedIn page and we have a LinkedIn newsletter for regular lists of roles available. I even post them to my X (formally, Twitter) feed and now to our own subreddit.
There are three ways that I help connect job seekers to opportunities, and employers to Conversational AI professionals:
Bot Jobs… The original and largest job board dedicated to Conversational AI roles, globally. Register for job alerts and get the latest jobs straight into your inbox daily or weekly. Remember, readers of this newsletter get 25% off their first featured post by using the coupon code “SUBSCRIBER”.
Bot Jobs Talent Pool… Employers, by getting access to the Talent Pool, can get direct access to candidates without the hassle of advertising and screening applications. If you’re in the market for a new role, or even a conversation, then make sure your profile is up to date and that you turn on the “Display my profile to employers” option on your profile.
Bot Jobs Freelancers… As a freelancer, by joining us, you can not only showcase your skills with your free portfolio builder but also connect with businesses that value your expertise. As a business member, you get to tap into a pool of talented freelancers ready to bring their unique perspectives to your projects.
Bot Jobs Mentors
We now have three kind community members who have put themselves forward as mentors. Will you?
Just hit the ‘Post a job’ button and select the free 'Mentoring’ option.
Events to Attend: 2024 events
I’m curating a crowdsourced list of events to attend in 2024. 30+ events already listed. Are you running a meetup, webinar, summit or conference? Take a look and remember to add your event here. Networking at these kinds of events has brought new opportunities for community members, so make sure to take advantage of any event you can.
As always, if you want to add anything to the next newsletter (events/jobs etc.) then feel free to DM me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Threads.
Here’s hoping you have a great week.
Yours in AI,