Own The Conversation - Issue 91
Last newsletter for 2 weeks, birthday observations, a new featured role and lots of other Conversational AI career goodies inside.
Thanks for your patience while we were away on vacation.
I am back and all rested and recharged.
Firstly, I’d like to mention the very productive conversation I had with the team at UNPARSED this week about how Bot Jobs will be involved with this year’s conference.
If you’ve not signed up to attend yet, then you should. This is the premier conference this year for Conversational AI practitioners for both designers and developers.
AND… some breaking news for everybody is that I will be delivering the opening remarks across both tracks on the final day. I’ll be talking about the state of the market for Conversational AI professionals and take a look back over 3+ years of data.
If you think your connections would benefit from subscribing to this newsletter, feel free to share it.
And if you are coming here off the back of a social share, or stumbled across it accidentally and think it’s something you need to be subscribed to (why wouldn’t you!?!) then feel free to subscribe here:
So, without further ado, let's dive in and Own The Conversation!
To another great week ahead,
Firstly, our featured job (click the images to be taken straight to the jobs):
There are now too many jobs being added to list them individually in this newsletter, as Substack is telling me that it’s too long to send by emails.
So, here’s the job categories that you can get to quickly from here.
FYI, if you want timely alerts on roles added to Bot Jobs, then we already have email notifications, which you can sign up to at Bot Jobs, the jobs are all posted to our LinkedIn page and we have a LinkedIn newsletter for regular lists of roles available. I even post them to my X (formally, Twitter) feed.
There are now three ways that I help connect job seekers to opportunities, and employers to Conversational AI professionals:
Bot Jobs… The original and largest job board dedicated to Conversational AI roles, globally. Register for job alerts and get the latest jobs straight into your inbox daily or weekly. Remember, readers of this newsletter get their first posting for free using “FIRST1FREE”.
Bot Jobs Talent Pool… Employers, by getting access to the Talent Pool, can get direct access to candidates without the hassle of advertising and screening applications. If you’re in the market for a new role, or even a conversation, then make sure your profile is up to date and that you turn on the “Display my profile to employers” option on your profile.
Bot Jobs Freelancers… As a freelancer, by joining us, you can not only showcase your skills with your free portfolio builder but also connect with businesses that value your expertise. As a business member, you get to tap into a pool of talented freelancers ready to bring their unique perspectives to your projects.
Events to Attend: 2024 events
I’m curating a crowdsourced list of events to attend in 2024. 30+ events already listed. Are you running a meetup, webinar, summit or conference? Take a look and remember to add your event here. Networking at these kinds of events has brought new opportunities for community members, so make sure to take advantage of any event you can.
As always, if you want to add anything to the next newsletter (events/jobs etc.) then feel free to DM me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Threads.
Here’s hoping you have a great week.
Yours in AI,