Own The Conversation - Issue #53
Featured jobs from bot-jobs.com, Conversational AI news and Events
Welcome one and all.
I start with a bit of an essay, so buckle up and enjoy!
I’ve been having a think about Bot Jobs and about this newsletter. I don’t no about you, but I don’t tend to have much time to think nowadays, but as I get busy elsewhere, I’m still very much committed to Bot Jobs and the ecosystem that I am building around it.
In fact, this is exactly where I want Bot Jobs to head in. I’m planning on 2023 being the year that I tie it all together as the one-stop destination for all things jobs and careers in Conversational AI.
So, what does that mean?
Well, I’ve currently got the following ‘parts’ of Bot Jobs:
Bot Jobs - this is the largest (no, I am not just saying that for marketing) job board for any role within Conversational AI. This could be a Conversation Designer, it could be a Data Scientist or a Software Engineer. It could be a recruiter, a sales person or a marketer. If it’s got something to do with Conversational AI, it appears there. In 2022 Bot Jobs handled 11,284 applications (up from 5,838 in 2021).
Bot Jobs Freelancers - this is my new baby, only launched earlier this month. The aim of Bot Jobs Freelancers is to give a place to people who are not looking for permanent/full-time employment (which makes up the vast majority of roles on Bot Jobs). Each (free) profile also provides a space for a portfolio. I built this for two reasons. The first because at every event and in every interview I am asked about where people can find Freelance opportunities. As there wasn’t one dedicated place, I built it. The second because the next question I get asked the most is about Conversation Designer portfolios. As, again, there’s not a single place or platform for designers to use, I built it again. There’s already been a rapid and large amount of freelancers registering and also building their portfolios. We’ve already seen two freelance projects successfully created on the site.
Own The Conversation - this newsletter. The one you are currently reading. I originally created this as a place to curate all the latest interesting news, events, jobs etc. in the Conversational AI industry. And, you know, it’s been good fun running it. But there are so many other fantastic places to go for news (Bret Kinsella’s Voicebot.ai for instance) and events.
So where does this lead me to. Well, January also saw me celebrating 17 years in the recruitment industry. I’ve been in this industry for such a long time because I’m passionate about helping people enhance their lives and give them an opportunity to succeed. I think work is an important part of that, so being able to put people into their dream roles at their dream employers is an amazing thing to do.
The reason why I started Bot Jobs is because I felt like I was in the middle of a venn diagram.
I’m passionate about recruitment and I’m completely assimilated into the world of Conversational AI. So, what did I decide I could offer:
Conversational AI for Recruiters
Recruitment for Conversational AI
(you see where this is going now…)
So, while I’ve spent the last 5+ years offering Conversational AI tools to Recruiters, now is the time to start focussing on what I can do for the Conversational AI community and to put some serious effort behind it.
Therefore, what you will start to see is a concerted effort to evolve Bot Jobs into the one place anybody in Conversational AI can come to for anything related to their career.
I’ll be starting to put out weekly blogs around jobs/careers in Conversational AI at https://bot-jobs.com/blog (first one already up). I’ll be interviewing professionals and internal recruiters to get the inside scoop on careers.
And, more importantly, this newsletter will be more focussed on that side of things. I’ll be moving away from curation of news/events etc. and more focus will be put on Conversational AI careers.
If you think this newsletter would be valuable to your network, please feel free to share.
And if you are coming here off the back of a social share, or stumbled across it accidentally and think it’s something you need to be subscribed to (why wouldn’t you!?!) then feel free to subscribe here:
Without further ado, let’s move on to the juicy stuff!
Conversational AI Jobs
This edition is all about jobs. Jobs jobs jobs.
Firstly, let’s talk about Conversational AI jobs. Despite the news of lay offs hitting out industry weekly, hiring is still happening at full pace, so make sure that you sign up for alerts at Bot Jobs and keep up to date with the latest permanent roles in our space.
👉 Standard job postings are still free. But for a 50% discount on featured job postings on Bot Jobs, use discount code BOT50 when posting featured jobs - available for all Own The Conversation subscribers 👈
Featured Jobs on Bot Jobs
Just click the image to be taken to the job
Bot Jobs Freelancers
Well, what can I say. I knew that this would be exciting for the community, but I couldn’t expect the massive take-up that Bot Jobs Freelancers has had. A lot of you are registering for freelance opportunities and using your profile there to build your portfolio. Lots of developments and improvements to come, so if you haven’t already registered and you are looking for freelance roles, then register today.
Latest Blogs
This week’s blog is all about starting your career as a Conversation Designer.
Events to Attend: January - March
I’m going to keep the events section in, as what better way to improve your career than learning and networking - which, at their heart, is the point of events!
Conversation Design Festival: Making AI Speak Human
Jan 24, 2023
Enterprise AI Summit
Feb 8–9, 2023
Amsterdam, NL
World AI Cannes Festival
Feb 9–11, 2023
Cannes, FR
AI & Machine Learning in the Enterprise
Feb 21–22, 2023
Austin, TX
Botrepreneurs Beers & Bots - IRL Networking Event in London
Feb 23, 2023
London, UK
European Chatbot & Conversational AI Summit
Mar 15–16, 2023
Edinburgh, Scotland
Enterprise Connect
March 27–30, 2023
Orlando, FL
End Note
So, there we go. Hopefully, you come along with me on this new journey. I’m very excited!
Anyway, if you want to add anything into next-week’s newsletter (events/jobs etc.) then feel free to DM me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or even TikTok
Here’s hoping you have a great week.